Sunday, December 28, 2014

7 Things We Learned About Millennials In 2014

There is no better way to reflect on the year than to catch up on all things millennial in 2014!

Putting this list together demonstrated for me that this really has been the year of the millennial. We are a powerful generation. Take a look at my favorite articles and studies from 2014 and see what I mean. 

1. Millennials fighting traditional gender roles in six stories.

2. Millennials are learning that your buying power is also your political power. Here are some great tidbits to help you start buying more responsibly. Did you know that Olive Garden donates to Republicans and Tiffany & Co. donates to Democrats?

3. Redefining charity- terming it "investment." Saving the world like we live here. 

4. This title is deceptive. This is an important piece about the millennial financial seesaw between paying off debt and saving for retirement.

5. The Pew Survey that started it all! My fave- Millennials in Adulthood. 

Seriously, if you haven't read this, you live under a rock.

6. Are the majority of millennials libertarian and just don't know it? Draw your own conclusions, but I think this shows that millennials will be changing the citizenry's relationship with government, no matter what they end up calling themselves.

7. This one is... fun. Understand how millennials interact with their main source of news, satire. 

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