Look, it grinds my gears that the government is happy to let twenty-somebodies carry the weight of other groups. This year, my state cut millions of dollars in higher education funding. Tuition is skyrocketing and no one is taking notice.
But why should government officials care what we think? Last election, only 50% of eligible millennials voted. That was actually a high point for us. This is the reality: if we don't vote, write and call our officials, and pay attention to politics, no one will care about us.
It's not hard. I worked in a Senate office, people dumber than you call their Senators every day.
You want to know where the funding went for higher education? Medicare.
Old. People. Vote.
Reality check, y'all...
Don't you love when 80's music is sooo right?
I hate to think that I must be 65 before my government cares about me. It seems true, though.