Friday, February 14, 2014

Playing Professional, Playing Dress-up

      For the twenty-somebodies, our early professional jobs can be surreal and foreign. It feels very much like playing dress-up to depart from casual blue jeans land for blazer world. I'm a naturalized citizen of blazer land, but I sometimes find myself insecure below the ankle.

      Some relationships come to define us. One of my longest and most significant attachments has been to my black booties. They've been my foundation through four nasty winters, two colleges, five jobs, six apartments, nine cities, two break-ups and one elopement. They've stepped in Parvo-infested puppy poop (TMI?), they've subsequently been bleached and boiled, they've been caked in snow and salt, rain and mud. Their soles have worn down and been replaced by cardboard. They're so sad and old, I should retire them, but their nearly-obscene decrepitude just makes me want to push that line a little more.

What is more twenty-somebody than mismatched, Dr. Seuss socks?
PS- Macey insisted on being in the photo. How could I deny that face???

      Many of us know how hard it is to keep up with rent and loan repayments, much less invest in comfortable yet attractive professional costumes. Do you have an article of clothing that is way past its prime, but you just can't part with it? Do you feel like you're an imposter at work? Like you're playing dress-up?

Feel free to post photos of your elderly clothing items, and please enjoy this elderly video about an old shirt.

Best wishes for a fabulous President's Day weekend!


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