Saturday, March 29, 2014

Get Your Exuberance Off My Uterus

I love kids. No joke. I think they're awesome, and I love playing with Barbies and watching Fairly Odd Parents. BBBUUUTTT... I would have to get a complete personality transplant to ever want to have one.
But that's the plan, isn't it? You're born, you get an education, you get married, and you have children. It's growing up!

If that's growing up, I'll pass.

The idea of being pregnant has always been... I'll say it... disgusting to me. Not to mention the fact that... oh I don't know... it's the most painful human experience by like a million! If you aren't 190% ready to reap the reward of that torture, my opinion is the only rational choice is to opt out.

I have become increasingly outspoken about my stance in the past few years since everyone else is becoming increasingly outspoken about how worthless, weird, and evil it makes me. I have been told on two separate occasions that my life has no meaning if I don't have children. THAT MY LIFE HAS NO MEANING. What. The. What?

And don't tell me that having kids has made you a better person. I wish, for the sake of the children, that this was true, but it's not. It's complete bullshit, and here's a Ph.D. Psychologist to tell you why.

Having kids is just a choice. It's a lifestyle decision. That's it. It's not a mandatory step into adulthood. Choosing to forego children will not make your life, or relationship, incomplete.

I love the way my close friend puts it:
“People I went to high school with post things on Facebook about how they 'just didn't know how great life could be until they were a Mommy.' I try not to, but I immediately recoil a little and think, 'were you really that boring and aimless when you were just a woman? That you needed something else to validate your existence?'”
Plus, telling me I'll grow out of it is condescending. I'm not two, and this ain't thumb sucking.

Are you being a jerk to your friends and family members who don't want kids? Well, STOP! Check out this funny, but necessary article on 23 Things You Should Never Say To A Child-free Woman.

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